Tips To Extend The Life Of Your Pet Friendly Rug

Tips To Extend The Life Of Your Pet Friendly Rug

Is your Pet Friendly Rug beginning to look worn or dirty? Proper care can go a long way in preserving your Pet Friendly Rug. Extend the life of your Pet Friendly Rug with these tips for rug cleaning:

Rotate Your Pet Friendly Rug Regularly

Usually, depending on the layout of your room and where your Pet Friendly Rug is located, frequent foot traffic can begin to wear on your rug. This is why it is crucial to rotate your area rug weekly, or at least monthly. If it is in a high-traffic area, we suggest you rotate your Pet Friendly Rug often.

In addition, you should also consider rearranging the furniture to move the walkway across various parts of your pet friendly rug. Moreover, this will help distribute wear  evenly.

Avoid Direct Sunlight 

Direct sunlight can cause your Pet Friendly Rug to fade drastically over time. It is best to place your area rug in a room where direct light doesn't hit it. If this is inevitable, try closing curtains or blinds during certain times of the day and rotating your pet friendly rug every few months. 

Do Not Neglect Your Rug

Weekly vacuuming and cleaning is essential if you want to prevent that worn, packed down look. If your rug is delicate, turn off the beater. If your rug gets wet, air it out and allow it to dry completely before replacing it.

Most pet friendly rugs should be professionally cleaned every 3-5 years to remove dirt and other buildup, that cannot be removed with the help of a vacuum or grocery store cleaning product. Professional spot cleaning is also suggested to prevent damage.


There are several options to consider when shopping for a pet-friendly rug, so that's why we've eliminated the guess work and created a website full of area rugs that are designed to withstand use, and accidents, from your pets! Click here to shop!

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